Wakizashi [Sukeharu] [N.B.T.H.K] Tokubetsu Hozon token

Stock No:SWA-060420
Paper(Certificate): NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token
Country(Kuni)/Period(Jidai): Settsu, Edo period 1673~
Blade length(Cutting edge): 53.8cm
Curve(SORI): 1.2cm
Width at the hamachi(Moto-Haba): 3.19cm
Thickness at the Moto-Kasane: 0.73cm
Wide at the Kissaki(Saki-Haba): 2.7cm
Thickness at the Saki-Kasane: 0.6cm
Length of Koshirae:77cm
Sword tang(Nakago):Unaltered,Sujikaiyasuri with Keshoyasuri file pattern
Rivet Holes(Mekugiana): 1
Registration Card: Hyogo
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For Reference Only. All prices and settlements are in Japanese yen.
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